Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Ever since Daniel Goleman popularised the concept in his 1995 book of the same name, Emotional Intelligence has become increasingly accepted as the key differentiator between good and great leaders.
Participants on this course learn what Emotional Intelligence (EI) is and how to use it to become more effective, inspirational and resilient team-members, managers and leaders. Participants will leave the course with strategies to help improve their emotional intelligence at home and at work. Above all, they will leave confident that they absolutely can develop their Emotional Intelligence provided they are genuinely committed to doing so.
“No doubt emotional intelligence is more rare than book smarts, but my experience says it is actually more important in the making of a leader”- Jack Welch
Participants Learn
Defining Emotional Intelligence
Why emotional intelligence is fundamental to successful leadership
The core components of emotional intelligence: Self-Awareness and Awareness of Others
The six psychological stages of EI
Everyday strategies and techniques to intervene at each stage to achieve better outcomes and relationships
Course Outline
The session uses theory, discussion, video examples and opportunities to reflect on how we have and have not used our emotional intelligence in the past. There is the option for participants to complete an Emotional Intelligence assessment survey ahead of the session, although this is not critical to running an effective session.
Attendees leave with an understanding of when and how to use their EI in the future both in work and outside.
Additional Information
This course can form part of a broader, bespoke Programme, or run as a stand-alone session.
It can be run either as an in-person or virtual workshop.
Please get in touch to talk through what approach would suit your organisation best.